Today was the first day of kindergarten. Lisa and I took the day off for orientation and to follow the kids through a typical school day. We were very happy with the class and the teachers. There are only 21 kids and up to 3 teachers. We weren't very happy with the after school confusion though. We'll definitely keep our eyes on things there...
The kids seemed to really enjoy things. Of course, Aly liked the storytelling and the art. Mitch liked PE. In fact, rather than sticking with his group for the activities, he joined all groups (3X the activities than the other kids). It was hilarious watching him run across the gym floor to join the other groups...
The kids were exhausted after were mom and dad... It didn't help that it was over 100-degrees...
Well... I haven't blogged in awhile...busy, lazy, tired, working, working out, ... But there couldn't be a better reason to start up again - celebrating Mothers...
Yesterday, I took the kids to the Fred Meyer's store to pick up cards. They each picked out a card. Then, we went to pick out a cake. The store had single layer cakes that the kids could decorate themselves. So, we took the extra 15 minutes and made a cake for momma...
Today, the kids were excited to give their cards (and mine...and the one from the pups) to Lisa. Meanwhile, I whipped up an omlet for her... Afterwards, I took the kids to the Seattle Aquarium. They didn't enjoy it as much as the zoo...but we had a pretty good time. We got back home just in time for their nap...
I barbequed some steaks and whipped up a margarita for Lisa. After cleaning the kitchen (while Lisa watched a movie with the kids), I was beat... I went upstairs afterwards and played with the kids for awhile...then, rested on the floor until it was time for bed...what a long day...
We tried to call my mom, but (as expected) she was still at the casino. The kids were happy to talk to grandpa though... we'll try again in the next day or two...
Hope it was a good one for my sweetness...I'm exhausted!!
Goin' back to Cali (cont'd) Lisa started on the inside pictures and figurines, while I worked on the garage. Only 2-weeks and a couple days before the movers come. I think we're in good shape... I've got about 50 boxes in the garage ready - plus, my trailer is packed and ready for my trip down the weekend before. This week for me is all about boxing up the loose stuff in the garage. Next weekend, I take down and box up he weights... Lisa is going to continue with the pictures.
The Plan I'm driving down on Friday the 25th. I'll be at the new house sometime after 6:00pm. I'll pull the trailer into the garage, unload some stuff and tape off the kids room. Saturday and Sunday will be about finishing the garage (texture, primer, and paint) and painting the kids' room. Monday, I'll hang some room darkening shades in the kids room and do any other work that I can do... I'm flying back up to Seattle on Monday afternoon.
On Tuesday, May 29, the movers come to pick up our stuff. We're headed down on Wednesday...going to try to make it all the way in one day...
So... I flew into San Jose last Monday for a training class and some meetings. Me and a co-worker stayed in San Jose and took BART in from Fremont to San Francisco Tues-Thu. The class was mandatory leadership training for managers. It was a very good class consisting of some of the foundational leadership skills that I have learned over the years and some new tools for applying the skills. The only negative was Thursday morning I started feeling a little heavy-chested... By Thursday afternoon I wasn't feeling too well but still managed to go out with a co-worker and my boss. By early Thursday evening I was really feeling lousy. We got back to the hotel by 11 and I went right to sleep...only to wake up at 2:00 shivering... I dozed in and out until about 4:00am then decided to just get up and get ready for my travel day.
For various reasons, I got to the airport before 7:00 even though my flight wasn't until 11:05. It was the longest 4 hours I ever spent... I was feeling lousy...and I almost mistakingly boarded a flight to Los Angeles... The flight was terrible too. I tried to sleep but the shivering kept me awake. I got home at 2:30 and Lisa could tell I was not feeling well...we checked my temperature at 103.3. I hit the bed... I spent Friday evening and Saturday glued to the couch - feeling lousy.
Lisa and the kids were ready to get out of the house. So, we headed off to the Supermall to let the kids run around while we got a change of scenery... It was working well until Mitch fell off a little wall and hit his head on the tile floor... He developed the fastest growing egg on his forehead that I'd ever seen... So... that was that....
Fast Forward to Wednesday: Yesterday, Aly woke up with a fever and a persistent cough and spent the whole day on the couch. She ate a little but not much. By evening, Mitch developed a cough. He woke up this morning feverish and wouldn't touch a bite. Lisa woke up feeling pretty poor as well....
I'm going to try to get off work early to help out...which is the least I can do since I brought this California flu home in the first place.....
Welcome to my blog. This is my first attempt at keeping some kind of journal. My main motivation for creating this blog is to keep in touch with my family and friends.
I am a family man and a technology professional. I have a beautiful wife (Lisa), four beautiful children (AJ, Adam, Alyssa and Mitchell) and five beautiful grandchildren (Adrienna, Matias, and Adam, Jr., Evangeline, and Isiah) - and I'm only 44!). I created this blog as a journal of my experiences primarily to keep in touch with my family and friends.