I worked at home today so we could go to the pre-school and check it out and meet the teachers (the parents/teachers meeting is tomorrow evening). It's a pretty neat little place and all the teachers seem really nice. There are tons of activities for the kids. Mitch liked playing with the toy animals. Aly liked coloring and playing with the salt trays (All the parents cringed when their kids started playing with the salt trays. It's salt in a box. Only a little bit got on the table...and floor...). I think the kids are really going to enjoy it... Lisa's going to enjoy a couple of hours free 2 days each week too... They start school next Thursday.
More DOMSNot to be outdone, Lisa went to the gym on Monday and did a leg workout. Yesterday, she was barely able to walk. Unlike me, she still ran in the morning, chased the kids all day, and walked the dogs last night. Show off....
Happy Birthday!
...To my sister Lisa!!!
So... We woke up early Saturday morning, ate quickly, and headed out to a dogshow in Redmond. This one was special because there was supposed to be a bunch of Boston Terriers there. We weren't disappointed. We saw 50-100 BTs there. We were pretty surprised that Zoey looked as good as any of the top BTs. Her coat is as nice and her looks are as good. Lisa says that, because her white fur doesn't go all the way around her neck, she isn't show quality...We had a good time but we forgot the camera...again...
We couldn't stay long at the show because the kids were getting bored. Lisa joined a BT club, met up with someone she met on one of her Internet boards and we zipped home. After lunch, the kids napped, Lisa surfed the 'Net, and I went to the gym. Feeling tired, I decided to do a workout that would get my blood pumping - legs. Anyone who knows me knows that my legs look like a couple of toothpicks holding up a potato... I don't enjoy working them out therefore I rarely do it.
Delayed Onset Muscle SorenessI was quite surprised at how strong my legs were for the first leg workout in a long time. I easily performed multiple sets with 225+ in squats. After the squats, I was still feeling energetic so I performed semi-heavy hack squats, then leg curls, then glutes and calves. I finished up with a good ab workout.
We picked up some steaks to barbeque. However, just before I threw them on, I noticed that the heat was going down...we ran out of propane. I sped off to the store and we got the steaks on 1/2-hour late... Dinner turned out excellent though...
Sunday, I went to the gym early and did a quick arm workout. Then, I came home, picked up the van and went to Costco to get some new tires. I got in right at opening, picked out some good BF Goodrich Mud&Snow tires and drove around to the installation area. They told me it would be 1-1/2 hours. So, I went back in and did some more shopping.
Because of the wait to have the tires installed, I took my time inside Costco...browsing every isle...and sampling what little food was laid out. After about an hour and 10 minutes, I headed back to the garage...only to find out that I forgot to give them the key for the tire locks... So, I got out of there around 12:45 (it opened at 10).
We threw some chicken on the bbq Sunday evening. I was starting to feel the delayed onset muscle soreness in my legs. It was particularly painful going up and down the stairs.
I woke up this morning and my legs were on fire! Every step was painful. I struggled to go down the stairs and was particularly annoyed when Lisa went upstairs right before I left... So I had to go up to say goodbye then back down again...
I waited until everyone left the train before I gingerly made my way out of the train and up the steps to 4th Ave. I slowly walked the 5 or 6 city blocks to work. I was in pain all day. I left at 4:30 to make the 4:45 train. Running a little late, I walked as quickly as I could. I was chuckling aloud as I could tell that my gait probably looked anything but normal. Plus, I was tripping over every little bump in the sidewalk.
I'm not moving again until bedtime. And I'm not doing a leg workout for another 6-months...
One thing's for certain...
...I'll never be accused of having a green thumb. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Mitchell gets so much enjoyment from mowng the lawns with me, Lisa would have a hard time getting me to do anything...
So...we had this bare patch between our driveway and the neighbor's for about a month. The neighbor paid someone to come out and remove the hideous plants that once grew in that area. So...I offered to take care of cleaning up the area with nice plants or bushes and decorative bark. I have been putting it off for a month - hoping that nobody would notice the 10'X20' dirt patch... Anyway, the neighbor across the street was doing some yard and garden work and removed 3 bushes (don't ask me the name) so I took them.
The kids and I went out last night to plant the bushes. I put the first one in at the top of the rectangular dirt patch. It was about 2 feet off center...but oh, well. I put the second one at the bottom of the patch. It was somewhat centered... I carefully measured to center the third bush between the other two and began digging. I placed the bush in the hole, filled in the dirt, and stood back to admire my work... It was about a foot off center between the driveways...and about 2 feet off center between the other two bushes....
Oh, well...hopefully, they'll grow out and nobody will notice...or the neighbor will see what I've done and get someone out to fix it and charge us for it.....
I'd post pics but I'm having problems getting them into my blog posts again.... I'll post some soon and some pics from Lisa's birthday...
Lisa's Birthday!

What a great day!
I had originally planned to get to the gym before 7 but, since it was Lisa's birthday, I decided that I'd help out with the kids so she can be a little more relaxed in the morning. Lisa headed out at 8:30. The kids were playing together nicely so I was able to check up on some work stuff before we headed out. Because of our prior plans (see below) we're doing the family celebrating on Sunday. I packed the kids into the van and we headed out. We stopped at Safeway and got barbeque groceries for Sunday dinner. Then, I took them over to the bakery to get a couple of cookies. That's when the thought came to me: "instead of buying a pre-decorated cake, why not let the kids decorate it?" So, we picked up a big chocolate cake and the kids picked out the sprinkles and decorating icing. We made a detour to Walgreens to pick up a rubber fly for Mitch on the way home - he's in to animals and bugs these days...
When we got home, we put the groceries away and got started on the decorating. It was fun for all of us. The sprinkles went all over the table so they got to pick 'em up and eat 'em. I also put some of the icing on their fingers. They did a great job!
Lisa was out of the house at 8:30 to go to the gym. After the gym, she went to Impressions Salon and Spa for a massage, facial, manicure, and pedicure. She returned at around 2:30 relaxed...and wanting to head back.
We arranged for the babysitter to come over at 6:00. Because I'm on call (grrrr...), we couldn't head up to Seattle and check out any of the really nice places. So, we headed over to the Kent station where there are several restaurants to choose from. We wanted something different, so we chose Duke's Chowder House. It was a beautiful day and there was a good reggae band playing in the courtyard so we decided to eat outside. Lisa had a spicy salmon salad. I had a seafood/pasta dish with halibut, salmon, clams, and scallions. After dinner, we walked around for a little bit then came back to watch the last couple of songs performed by the band.
We were planning to stop for a nightcap on the way home but it was almost 9:00....and we just don't stay out late anymore.... Lisa went to sleep at 10. I crashed around 11.....
Happy Birthday to my Sweetness!!
We all ended up sick this week. It's not a really bad cold but it's one of those sinus ones that bugs you all day long...bleh...
Well...after about 3 years, Lisa's treadmill took a dive... The front tension roller bar broke. We searched all over the 'Net for Schwinn treadmills but couldn't find one like hers. I think they OEM another brand... Anyway, we looked around Craigslist. Lisa found a nice one by Lifestride (Lifefitness). It's nice, it was priced right, and it was close. So, we picked it up and set it up last night. Only one problem...we can't agree on whether the belt is setup correctly. I think it's fine. Lisa thinks it's not. We looked at it for awhile tonight....we'll probably look at it more tomorrow...
So...the veggies turned out good...
Real good... :-) After dinner on Sunday, we took the kids out for a special dessert - Baskin Robbins!! Surprisingly, Mitch loved his chocolate ice cream. No gagging whatsoever... Of course, Aly enjoyed her strawberry ice cream and Lisa her double fudge chocolate. I didn't have any...Ok...I had a very small...minute cookies-n-cream... So much for the weekend workouts...
Lisa and the kids woke up sick on Monday and today. I'm feeling a tinge of something....hope it doesn't get worse...
So much for the planned weekend...
To surprise Lisa (well...not much of a surprise since I told her...), I made some plans for the weekend: Saturday, we'll head to the
Seattle Aquarium. Snd Sunday, we'll clean the garage and relax. I planned to get some studying in too....
Well... Aly woke up sick on Friday. Lisa was a little under the weather too. They weren't feeling much better on Saturday. So, we switched days. I cleaned the garage Saturday morning, studied during the afternoon while everyone was napping, and grilled steaks and made margaritas Saturday evening.
Sunday, same thing... So, instead of the Aquarium, we took turns at the gym then took the kids to Lake Meridian.
So much for the planned weekend, but it's been nice nonetheless... Tonight, I plan to grill some chicken...and some veggies too (first time I'll be trying veggies on the grill....)....
Dreary day in Seattle....

One of those days you just want to crawl back into bed and watch TV , read, or sleep all day...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And the LOUDEST household on the block is...
Geez. After dinner, we go outside for awhile. One neighbor and his son are working on the house - quietly, working on the house...we barely hear a peep. The other neighbors are barbequing and playing on the swingset - very quietly playing on the swingset...
But from our house...? Screaming and yelling...dogs and mom barking at the kids to quiet slamming on the deck... I'll bet the neighbors are glad we tend to shut down early...
This has been another one of those crazy weeks. I flew down to Fremont on Monday, worked long hours Mon-Wed, and flew back home Wednesday evening. I was at work by 7 on Thursday and a zombie by 4. Had a great evening with the family last night though...
After 3 grueling weeks, today is the perfect day to take off at noon...except for the fact that the train doesn't run until after 4:00....
Lisa gave me the lowdown on the spur of the moment visit by AJ, Vanessa, and Matias. They drank margaritas Monday night (not as good without the Chambord), went to the Tacoma Zoo and Aquarium on Tuesday, and visited the Space Needle on Wednesday (apparently, AJ and Vanessa weren't too keen on the height so they didn't spend too much time up top...). They hit the road by 6 on Wednesday so I missed them...
We're looking into a trip down to Sacramento/Davis this month via Amtrak. Cost, timing, etc. will be factors in pulling it off....
Quick Update
Well... Let's see... Haven't blogged since the 23rd. So, here's a quick update....
We headed to the Woodland Park Zoo again. This time we concentrated on the other half of the zoo. Aly really liked the butterfly exhibit. But the animals that really got most of our focus were the brown bears. These bears were enormous!!
After a week of 12-hour meetings, I was ready to get back to my normal work schedule... It was not to be. This time, we had the all day meetings plus the execs were in I had to give up my office for the week too...
Lisa and I got to go out again on Saturday night. We went to Muckleshoot Casino. It was OK but all the slot machines were video slots (I like the mechanical if the odds are greater or something...). There were plenty of table games too. But I don't play craps or roulette...and I still haven't warmed up to $5 per hand of blackjack...
AJ, Vanessa, and Matias drove up on a whim Sunday evening and arrived Monday morning. Unfortunately, I was flying the opposite direction. I have long meeting days in Fremont Monday through Wednesday.
That's the cliffnotes version... I'm sure I left out a lot... I hope to get back to blogging more regularly....