Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I haven't been blogging much although I've had plenty of material... Right now, I'm fighting a cold...and my head is a little cloudy...
So, I'll post this inspiring link:
http://www.cjcphoto.com/can I read this story in Sports Illustrated - but it's more about a man, his son, and what's really important...
A series of storms have come through dropping up to a couple of inches per day. That, combined with 20-30mph winds (gusts to 50mph) has made it pretty miserable - weather-wise.
Power Down!!!Our power went out on Saturday at around 4pm. Subsequently, we discovered that we were woefully unprepared for the situation. I pulled out a few candles that I light while studying - but they didn't provide much light. We scrambled for flashlights - but the ones that we found had dying batteries. I pulled out my battery-operated lantern which also had dying batteries...
So... We decided to go out for dinner at around 5. We headed to our favorite (and only) local Mexican Restaurant - Cancun. After a good dinner, we headed over to Walgreens for emergency supplies. Walgreens didn't have much as far as emergency supplies are concerned, so we picked up batteries and went home.
We got back home at around 6:30 - still no power. At least now we had plenty of light. The kids were in bed by 7:30 and we were asleep on the couch by 8:30 (we headed upstairs sometime later...)... The power was restored around 8:00am Sunday.
Zoo...and more rainSunday morning was nice. So, we headed into Seattle to the Woodland Park Zoo. As usual, we had a great time. By the time we got home and put the kids down for a nap, the rain started again. It rained pretty hard from then and through the night....and this morning. My 6 block walk from the train station to my building was very windy and wet....I wonder how long before my clothes dry.....

Obviously, I didn't get the best Halloween pic of Mitch... Hopefully, Lisa got a better one.....
To the grandkids - Adrienna (3 on 10/27) and Matias (2 on 10/31).
Home Alone......with the kids. Lisa took a quick trip down to Sacramento to surprise AJ and Adam and the grandkids. We dropped her off at the airport on Saturday morning. She flew down and met up with Christie, Dave, Brian, Mike, and Cathy at On the Border (one of our favorite places to eat - mainly for the margaritas...). On Sunday, she drove down and visited with her parents in Fairfield. Then, she made her surprise visit at Adrienna and Matias' birthday party. She flew back on Monday. We picked her up around 11...
Meanwhile, after dropping Lisa off at the airport, I took Aly and Mitch to the Southcenter Mall because I needed a few things. We left the mall with a T-Rex toy for Mitch and a princess vanity table and mirror for Aly. Nothing for dad.... We kicked it around the house on Saturday.
Sunday, I woke up and it was raining - so much for our plans. I was up at 5am (daylight savings ended...) so I jumped on the treadmill for awhile. I barely got out of the shower when the kids woke up around 6:45. We went downstairs, fed the dogs, then ate something ourselves. Then, I noticed the sun peeking through the clouds. Not wanting to disappoint the kids, I got them dressed, we jumped in the van, and we headed off to the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. By the time we got there, there wasn't a cloud in the sky...at least not where we were...and it stayed that way all morning!
We had a great time at the zoo - except for lunch. We went into the food area which is cafeteria-style. A bunch of people were looking busy but there was no food out. After trying to get someone's attention for 5-minutes, the barista from the coffee area came over and grabbed one of the workers. The worker came over with a big smile asking "can I help you?" The Steve Martin routine at the rental car counter in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles came to mind. I picked up a couple of meals for the kids and decided that I'd get something myself later. We finally get seated and before I can get ketchup for the hotdogs, Mitch blurts out "I have to go peepee." The couple at the next table was snickering. So... I pack up the food...and the kids...and head to the restroom - where Mitch suddenly decides that he didn't have to go... So, I give them their buckets of food and let them eat in the stroller. Aly thought it was quite the novelty...
After the zoo, the kids were exhausted. They napped well...and played well after the nap until bedtime. I had a good time too. If the weather is nice and Lisa needs a break, I may take them again...
HalloweenThe kids had a great time for Halloween. Mitch wore the same fireman's outfit that he did last year - this time it fit. Aly wore a princess outfit - it was cold as heck outside...so it was a princess outfit with a puffy coat and gloves... We went quite a ways and each of them filled their bucket. Some people would hold their bowls out and allow the kids to grab the candy they wanted. Aly would keep taking candy until they pulled it away or Lisa told her to stop...
Pics of the weekend coming...soon...
RAIDERS BEAT THE STEELERS!Only 98 yards of total offense... Walter was 5 for 14... But that defense was awesome! 2 interception returns for touchdowns! 5 sacks! 2-5 baby!! We've got a winning streak going...and we're out of the cellar in most polls!