Busy day!

Took the family to Fairytale Town this morning while it was still cool. The kids had a blast. Mom and dad too (except for the food...). I thought I took a bunch of pics but I guess I only took a few...
When we got back, it was non-stop until 9:00. I had a list of about 20 things (pick up dry cleaning, get a haircut, wash laundry, print out my first day info, assemble my travel plans, ...). I got all but three things done. Whew! I'm dog-tired. Lisa's day was pretty much like mine. Luckily, the kids were pretty good (until right before bedtime - Aly was tired and grumpy!). Tomorrow doesn't look to be any easier.
One of the things on my list was to purchase a digital camera so I can have one with me at all times. I love the Sony DSC-P71 but I ended up with a Canon PowerShot A510. It has the built-in USB like the Sony but stores images on SD rather than the Sony proprietary memory card.
Update: The bourbon smell is out of the car.
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