Almost done...

Well...we were packing until about 9:00 last night. All that's really left is to pack up my office, pack the bedding, pack the DVD and VHS players and disconnect the cable. Oh, yeah...and to drain the gas from the lawnmower and weed eater and dispose of it...
We went to Teresa and Walt's for Christmas dinner today (Lisa's family celebrates on Christmas Eve to allow everyone to go to their spouse's family dinner on Christmas). Man! The family's getting big! New additions over the past few years are Alyssa, Mitchell, Adrienna, Matias, and Adam, Jr. The house was packed and we demolished two turkeys... Instead of the organized one person at a time, oldest to youngest presents opening that we used to have, it was a free for all. Just too many people to keep things organized.
Even though Lisa and I didn't participate in the white elephant gift exchange, it was fun watching. AJ, I saw that you left the coveted candle holder underneath the table...
It was a good time. By the time we left though, there were about 5 kids who were way past due for a nap....
Tomorrow, we're going to my brother's house for Christmas dinner.
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