Get Your Led

Friday, February 03, 2006

Are you sure it's Friday...?

Man! I've been at it all day. I have a couple of minutes before my next call so I thought i'd make a quick post. It has been crazy all week (year actually)... I must have received 300+ emails today...

I went to the pet store last night to pick up some dog food. I saw that they had a little boy Boston Terrier pup. He is a skinny thing with a longer snout (like Madison and Cassie). My mistake was going home and telling Lisa that the pup was there.

This morning I get a voicemail indicating that Lisa and the kids are at the pet store...playing with the puppy. She went home with the kids and without the puppy.... We'll see how that goes...

The Lab (cont'd)
I received another piece to my lab yesterday - a 5505 switch with RSM and NFFC... Now, if I can just win one of those eBay auctions for a 3550-EMI...

As I was writing this, my 3:00 rescheduled for Monday. Now I can finish up a few things and get outta here on time...! (I hope....)

Quote of the Day
I named my dog Stay so I can say, "Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay." ~Steven Wright


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