Get Your Led

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Broken Record...

What can I say? It's non-stop from the time I get to work at 7am to the time the kids go to bed at 8pm-ish. These last couple of weeks have been even more busy. Last week, we had an All Hands on Deck meeting in Seattle. About 70 or so people flew in from out of town. So... it was meetings all day and entertainment at night.

Lisa arranged for a babysitter on Friday evening so we could get out and get some presents for the kids. We didn't get out of there until last call (Toys 'R Us that is). We made it over to Claim Jumper for dinner and got back home by 10:30 or so. Not exactly the relaxing, fun-filled evening out but it was nice to get away for the first time in 4 months.

On Saturday, we celebrated the kids' birthday - just the four of us. Aly loves her dishes. And Mitch is torn between his garbage truck and the weed-eater. The 1/2 Dora - 1/2 Thomas the Train cake was a big hit too.

Mitch is starting to follow me around everywhere with his tools to pretend to be working. While I'm attaching the spa cover, mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage, attaching shelves, etc., Mitch is right there with his tools "helping dad".

This week, it's been more of the same. But I got the garage cleaned (not done) so Lisa can park inside, put the cane bolt on the dog door, attached the spa cover and the cover lift attachment, attached the laundry room sink to the floor (drilling through tile is a son-of-a-gun), did a temporary fix to the back fence (which will need to be replaced), mowed/edged the lawn, and did a couple more small jobs around the house. I've got big plans for this weekend....


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