Lisa wrote a little bit to get me going...
So much to tell but so little time . . . As you can see by the pics, we visited the local
zoo. A really nice zoo-especially compared to the Sacramento Zoo. We had a great time but Mitch was not thrilled by the elephant or the Yak-like creature (forgot the name) that bore a slight resemblance to the cow/bull family. And to those who know Mitch and his fear of the cow or bull, let's just say he was ready to flee the exhibit as soon as we got there. They also had a little play area/kid zone with a goat feeding area and the kids loved that. Dad was a little freaked out by the wily Peacock which is known to Mitch as the Pee Hog. lol! We ended up purchasing seasonal zoo passes we liked it so much.
My contribution:
When Lisa told Mitch and Aly that we were going to the zoo, Mitch reminded Lisa that a chicken bit his finger last time (the boy doesn't forget a thing). Lisa told Mitch that was Fairytale Land in Sacramento...not the zoo. Nothing to worry about. So, we get to the zoo and the peacock (big chicken to Mitch) is standing by the gate. Mitch is a little freaked out so I comfort him by telling him that the peacock can't come through...about that time the bird waltzes over to the stroller gate which is wide open and strolls right past us - within a foot of the stroller... so much for dad's credibility...
Later, we decide to grab some lunch. It was a pretty warm day so we chose to sit outside. Well...whaddya know...a chicken. We spend most of the lunchtime shoo-ing the chicken away. When we're almost done, the peacock decides to pay a visit...followed by a rooster...needless to say, Mitch didn't enjoy his lunch much.
All-in-all, it was a great time. Mitch liked the wolves - especially, when they started howling. Aly liked the goats and even got to feed them (she quickly picked out a favorite and gave all the food to that one). Lisa liked the polar bear. I liked the beluga whale, the puffins, and, of course, the otters.
We definitely will visit several more times this year. Other attractions that I'd like to see are:
Woodland Park Zoo,
Pacific Science Center, and the
Museum of Flight (the Tukwila one first but eventually I'd like to check out the one in Everett).
Oh, yeah. Can't forget our Saturday trip. After a quick Costco run, we decided that, since we were in the area, we might as well stop by the
Tukwila Harley Davidson dealership... It took awhile but we finally found it. We pulled into the parking lot and...........pulled back out. Someday I'll get one...Saturday just wasn't the day... I started telling Lisa the "I almost got one" stories - from the Harley Sturgis I almost got in Texas to the one I almost got in Fairfield (but didn't have my checkbook on me for the down payment...). I'm partial to the softtail models - especially, the FatBoy.........

Couldn't find a pic with enough candles so...

Man! It's been a wicked couple of weeks at work. Without elaborating, I'm drained. Luckily, we set the gym up in the garage and Lisa and I have hit it pretty hard. Good stress relief. This past week was so bad that, when I got home on Friday, I put the laptop and cellphone away and didn't touch either until Monday morning (those who know me know that I can't resist checking my work email evenings and weekends...).
We did get away on Saturday and took the kids to Meridian Lake. It's a cool little recreational lake that's stocked with trout (small ones based on the ones that were caught). I got my fishing license so we can take the kids and do a little fishing off the dock...
Mother's day was fun. I took the kids to Safeway the evening before. Each of them picked out a card for momma. They also picked out a cake. Lisa did whatever she wanted (well...not really, but kinda...) and I watched the kids for much of the day. I barbequed steaks for dinner. It was a good day...
This week picked up where last week left off at work. Today was better though...
I finally took a bird picture that didn't look like a speck of dirt against a gray sky...(some of you know what I'm talking about...).

Happy Mother's Day to my wife - Lisa, my mom (I'll try to make it down for Ricky's graduation party), my mother-in-law - Janet, my step-mother - Barbara, and all of the other mother's out there (back in the day, I would have tried to list them all)... Take the day men could probably stand to fast for a day anyway... And remember...watching TV with the kids IS an activity...
Family Haircut Day...

After a little work around the house, we loaded up and each of us got our haircut. Mitchell looks totally different in his cut. At first, they slicked it forward with just the front spiked up. It looked pretty cool. After his nap, I put some gel in and spiked the whole top. Aly's looks really cute too. It'll probably look even more cute once we wash the product out...
Lisa and I got our hair cut shorter than we normally do (no pics...). While I'm OK with the way mine came out, Lisa is threatening a lawsuit... (Although it's shorter than I normally like, I think Lisa's looks really good!)...
Springtime Barbeque...Seattle-style...

So... We put on the sweatshirts and took advantage of a break in the weather to barbeque some chicken Saturday evening.
After the kids went to bed, Lisa went across the street to a neighbor's craft party (still not sure what it is... After listening to Lisa tell me about it though... it sounds like an excuse to eat and drink to excess... kinda like Monday Night Football for guys...)...
A night out...

Lisa and I took advantage of our realtor and friend's offer to watch the babies for a night. Liz came over at 6:15 and we hit the road at 6:30. We went to a local pub for a couple of drinks, appetizers, and pool (billiards to some...). The pub reminds us a little of the place we met - the G Street Pub in Davis (dirty carpet and all... only two pool tables though). We had a great time and stayed out until the late, late hour of...8:45... We were exhausted...
We got up this morning and got to work on the garage. Lisa worked on unpacking more boxes. The kids fought over old baby toys that we plan to donate. I put together the gym. The gym went together pretty well. Lisa and I plan to hit the weights hard...tomorrow...(or the next day...Tuesday, for sure.......)....
We blew off plans to go out for family haircuts and decided to barbeque some chicken instead...
Quick update...

On Saturday, Lisa took the kids to a luau celebration for the first birthday of one of the neighbor's kids. The kids had a blast playing with the other kids and mom kept them out until after 9:00!
Meanwhile, me and some of the old clan got together and surprised Tony for his 40th birthday. I went by to see the family but they weren't home.