
Man! It's been a wicked couple of weeks at work. Without elaborating, I'm drained. Luckily, we set the gym up in the garage and Lisa and I have hit it pretty hard. Good stress relief. This past week was so bad that, when I got home on Friday, I put the laptop and cellphone away and didn't touch either until Monday morning (those who know me know that I can't resist checking my work email evenings and weekends...).
We did get away on Saturday and took the kids to Meridian Lake. It's a cool little recreational lake that's stocked with trout (small ones based on the ones that were caught). I got my fishing license so we can take the kids and do a little fishing off the dock...
Mother's day was fun. I took the kids to Safeway the evening before. Each of them picked out a card for momma. They also picked out a cake. Lisa did whatever she wanted (well...not really, but kinda...) and I watched the kids for much of the day. I barbequed steaks for dinner. It was a good day...
This week picked up where last week left off at work. Today was better though...
I finally took a bird picture that didn't look like a speck of dirt against a gray sky...(some of you know what I'm talking about...).
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